Greenwheels Giveaway


Win a weekend away!


Taking a trip this summer? With Greenwheels you drive conveniently and for a low price, whether you go away for a day or the whole summer. Use our Regular- or Frequent rate for an extra discount on your trip. These rates also give access to our Day & Week Deals, with which you receive up to 75% off trips of a day or longer. Ideal for your summer holiday, right?


Whether you go the petting zoo for an afternoon or the Spanish Costa for a couple of weeks; we're curious to see your (holiday)photos! Share a picture with your Greenwheels car on location in The Netherlands or abroad for a chance to win a € 100 voucher for a weekend away and € 200 driving credit. 


How does it work?

Take a photo with your Greenwheels car on location. Share the photo between 1 July and 1 September 2024 and have a shot at winning a € 100 voucher for a weekend away + € 200 driving credit! You can participate in our summer photo competition by submitting your photo here. Attach no more than one photo. By sending in a photo, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions as listed on this page.


We will announce the winner on our social media channels, so keep an eye out! The winner will also receive a personal message.


NB: participating in this promotion means you give Greenwheels unconditional rights to use the photo. All submitted photos can be used in all our communications, including (but not limited to) social media, emails and the website. 


Terms and conditions


1. General

These terms and conditions apply to all Greenwheels competitions, such as the ‘Summer Photo Contest’ and ‘Guess the Picture’, as published on our social media channels, website and newsletters. All games and content of Greenwheels competitions are subject to the 2014 Code of Conduct for Promotional Games, which came into effect on January 1, 2014. Participation in the contest implies acceptance of the terms and conditions. No dispute regarding these terms and conditions will be considered. For questions or comments about the terms and conditions of actions and competitions, please contact Greenwheels.


2. Participation and participants

Participation is possible for any natural person, excluding employees of Greenwheels and/or partners, if the contest involves an offer from one of our partners. There are no costs associated with participating in Greenwheels competitions.


Participants must follow the actions entirely and fill in the details or send them via contact options on social media, as this allows us to contact them if they win. Participation by individuals through a third party/intermediary is not permitted and they are disqualified from winning. Participants under the age of 18 hereby declare that they have obtained consent from their legal representative to participate in the respective action. If it appears that such consent has not been given, Greenwheels may choose not to award the prize, unless the participant can demonstrate obtaining consent. Greenwheels reserves the right to request a participant to show a copy of a valid identification document at all times.


Greenwheels has the right to exclude a participant from a competition if it appears that the participant has provided incorrect, incomplete, or misleading information or is engaging in or attempting to commit fraud in any other way. Under no circumstances can we be held responsible for the participant providing an incorrect email address, phone number or home address, leading to an incorrect or unknown address of the participant, or for a network, hardware, or software failure resulting in limited or delayed provision of data by the participant, or loss of such data.


3. Prizes

Winner(s) of prizes are drawn, impartially, from the participants. Prizes of Greenwheels’ competitions are not exchangeable for cash or any other prize. If there are multiple identical prizes to be won, we will only award one item/prize per phone number, email address, or residential address. The terms and conditions relating to the credit of Greenwheels and partners of Greenwheels are specified individually per competition.


The prize winners will be notified personally within a maximum of three weeks after the end of the competition. The results of the competitions are final. Each prize winner agrees by participating that he/she is willing to cooperate in promotional activities related to the competition, including the awarding of the prize.


Any photos may be used by Greenwheels for publicity purposes.

Greenwheels provides non-cash prizes in accordance with their status at that time. We are not liable for any (visible and/or hidden) defects in the prizes and/or any other damage to the prizes (including damage caused by shipment and/or other means of transportation).


4. Data

By participating in the competition, the participant gives Greenwheels permission to collect all data and provide it to third parties that we deem necessary for the organisation of the competition and the awarding of the prizes. The participant acknowledges being aware of the collection and provision of the aforementioned data and the use that can be made of it, and agrees to the privacy- and cookie policy of Greenwheels.


By sending a photo in a private message to Greenwheels on Facebook or Instagram, you participate in the photo contest. By participating in the photo contest, the participant grants full and unconditional rights to use the photo. All submitted photos can be used in all our communications, including (but not limited to) social media, emails, and the website.


5. Amendment of terms and technical facilities

Greenwheels reserves the right to change these general terms and conditions at any time; therefore, we recommend that you regularly consult these conditions. We do our best, but cannot guarantee the uninterrupted operation of our website(s) or the services provided or used by us. Despite the utmost care, it is possible that the information is incomplete, outdated, or incorrect. The participant is responsible for adequate facilities (such as telecommunication facilities) to participate in the actions.


6. Complaints

If a participant has a complaint or objection in connection to a Greenwheels competition, the participant can notify us within five working days after the complaint arises or could reasonably be determined, by sending a letter to Greenwheels, PO Box 23191, 3001 KD Rotterdam, stating 'complaint Greenwheels competition'. We will handle the complaint and contact the participant about its settlement. If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, with regard to promotional games, it is possible to file a complaint with the Gaming Authority.


7. Aansprakelijkheid
Greenwheels is niet aansprakelijk voor enige schade, van welke aard dan ook, die voortvloeit uit of samenhangt met (deelname aan) deze actie. Druk, spel-, zet- of vergelijkbare fouten zijn hierbij inbegrepen. Ook zijn wij niet aansprakelijk voor enige schade, van welke aard dan ook, in verband met het gebruik van onze website, links naar websites van derden op onze website of andere technische faciliteiten. Wij zijn tevens niet verantwoordelijk of aansprakelijk voor eventuele kosten die de deelnemer in verband met deelname aan de actie maakt of heeft gemaakt.


8. Force majeure

Greenwheels reserves the right to suspend, terminate, or modify the action at any time in case of force majeure and not to award one or more prizes. Force majeure includes, in any case, the bankruptcy of the supplier and/or sponsor of a prize or the application for suspension of payment by this supplier and/or sponsor. In this case, we may also choose to award an alternative prize.


9. Applicable law

Dutch law applies to these terms and conditions and the Greenwheels competitions. All disputes in connection therewith will be submitted to the competent court in Amsterdam.

There are currently no promotional campaigns or giveaways.