Day and week Deals
Get up to 75% discount on long bookings with our Day, Two-Day and Week Deals.
Planning to hit the road with a Greenwheels car for a day or longer? Then choose our Regular or Frequent rate. Then you'll drive for a lower hourly and kilometre price and you automatically get up to 75% discount on longer bookings compared to the Occasional rate.
A day out
A day trip to the city, into nature or to the beach and back? Get up to 65% off with our Day Deal (24 hours, excl. km).
Occasional rate: € 84,24/day
No Day Deal
Regular rate: € 36/day
Day Deal
Frequent rate: € 29/day
Day Deal
Weekend away
Book a car for 2 days for your return trip, for example to the Ardennes. Get up to 70% discount with the Two-Day Deal (48 hours, excl. km).
Occasional rate: € 168,48/2 days
No Two-Day Deal
Regular rate: € 59/2 days
Two-Day Deal
Frequent rate: € 50/2 days
Two-Day Deal
Week holiday
Taking a break to our Limburg province, Germany or France? There's a discount up to 75% when you book a week trip with a Greenwheels car (7 x 24 hrs, excl. km).
Occasional rate: € 589,68/week
No Week Deal
Regular rate: € 144/week
Week Deal
Frequent rate: € 135/week
Week Deal
The applicable Day and Week Deals depend on your rate and car type. The Day, Two-Day or Week Deal is the price for the booking period and does not include kilometres. The discount is calculated in relation to the price for the booking period with the Occasional rate.
Do you want to switch to the Regular or Frequent rate so that you can drive for a low hourly and kilometre price and receive a discount on longer bookings? You can easily switch in your account.
How do I book with a discount?
You can only book with a discount if you have the Regular or Frequent rate.
When you book a car, we automatically apply the discount. You do not have to indicate this yourself and you can choose any possible start and end time. The 24 hours, 48 hours, or 7 x 24 hours start whenever you want. Curious about the price? You can see this if you have selected a car and time slot.
Do you want to go away for 3 days or more? Then we automatically combine the Two-Day Deal with the Day Deal if you're going away for 3 days. Or we combine the Week Deal and the Day Deal if, for example, you go on holiday with Greenwheels for 8 days. You can also use this discount when you go abroad with Greenwheels.
Frequently asked questions
When you book a car, we automatically apply the discount. You do not have to indicate this yourself and you can choose any possible start and end time. The 24 hours, 48 hours, or 7 x 24 hours start when you want. Curious about the price? You can see this if you have selected a car and time slot.
Please note: Day and Week Deals are available depending on your Rate.
We will automatically combine the Two-Day Deal with the Day Deal if you're going away for 3 days. Or we combine the Week Deal and the Day Deal if, for example, you go on holiday with Greenwheels for 8 days. You can also use this discount when you go abroad with Greenwheels. Want to hit the road just a little longer? That’s not a problem, we will charge your chosen hourly price.
Is your booking shorter than a day, two days or a week, but is it still cheaper with the Day, Two-Day or Week Deal? Then we will also automatically apply the discount. That’s how you always have the best price for your trip. Curious about the price? You can see this if you have selected a car and time slot.
Please note: Day and Week Deals are not available for those with the Occasional, Zzp Go and Business Go rates.
Planning a holiday by car, but not in the Netherlands? Of course you can also go on holiday abroad with a Greenwheels shared car. For example, for a weekend trip to Germany or for a holiday of a few weeks to France or Spain.
You can rent a car from us and travel within Europe without any problems. Outside Europe, in certain cases, you can also contact our customer service. Read more about going abroad with a Greenwheels car.
Would you like to hit the road with a discount?
Sign up with the Regular or Frequent rate and hit the road right away with a discount on longer bookings. Want to know more? View our frequently asked questions or contact customer service.