A special Roadshow is coming to you this summer

The Lab of Thought and Greenwheels focus on better things than stationary cars


With 9 million privately owned cars, a lot of space is taken up by stationary cars in the Netherlands. And that's weird, as our streets are meant for everyone, not just car owners. To highlight this, Greenwheels, together with the Lab of Thought foundation and their 'Punk Parklet', will tour the country this September.

This week: Punk Parklet will be in Rotterdam on Saturday 19 October! From 12:00 to 15:00 we’ll be at the Greenwheels parking spot Aert van Nesstraat 60. Scan the QR code at the location and receive € 10 driving credit. This way, you get a discount on your next trip!

Turning parking spaces into social hubs

The Lab of Thought and Dutch car sharing company Greenwheels found each other in their shared annoyance and decided to do something about it. To provide insight into how our streets can be used (again) for better things than stationary cars, the Lab of Thought, with the support of Greenwheels, developed the Punk Parklet: a pick-up truck that meets all road requirements, but that can 'pull out' as a social hub. With it, it actually contribute to the neighbourhood, instead of just taking up space. Michiel Cuppen, CEO Greenwheels: “This  Punk Parklet Roadshow show us that things can indeed be done differently. In doing so we hope to create awareness among car owners and municipalities. The Punk Parklet thus contributes to Greenwheels' mission to 'make streets more livable'.


Big Punk Parklet Roadshow Party

In September the Punk Parklet pick-up will tour throughout the Netherlands, visiting Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Nijmegen and Rotterdam. Wherever it goes, the car brings social interaction and contributes to a lively neighbourhood where people can play and neighbours can enjoy the late summer sun together. The Lab of Thought Foundation designed the Punk Parklet. “Through education and challenging real-life experiments, we get people thinking about their mobility. The Punk Parklet Roadshow is such an experiment and we hope that it will inspire Dutch people to push their municipality towards a more social design of their neighbourhood. But also to look at their own car use differently and to take public transport more often or switch to shared transport,” says Marco te Brömmelstroet, Academic Director at Lab of Thought.