New! The weather forecast now added to your reservation confirmation


We surely like to talk about the weather. Often, we let it depend on the weather whether we go out or not. And when you do decide to go outside, it’s nice to know what kind of weather you can expect. That’s  why we recently added the weather forecast to your reservation confirmation. So you know right away if you should pack that umbrella – or go for some shiny sunglasses! Pretty useful, if we say so ourselves! 


The reservation confirmations shows you the following:


  • Temperature in °C
  • Cloudy or bright blue?
  • Drizzle or storm with heavy showers
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The weather one week ahead

We all know the weather can change in an instance, so we only add a forecast to the reservation confirmation for trips that take place within 7 days of booking. We show weather predictions for the location (city) where your reserved car is parked.

Greenwheels Weer

Add your trip to your calendar

Another new option: you can now add your planned trip directly from the reservation confirmation to your calendar. It’s also up to you how you’d like to receive that confirmation: via email or app notification.


Turn on your reservation confirmation


You can pick whatever is most suitable for you in our Greenwheels app:


  1. Open the app;
  2. Choose the menu at the top right;
  3. Click on "correspondence" in the menu;
  4. Choose how you want to receive your reservation confirmation.