New: Detailed trip and cost overview


Have you taken a trip with your Greenwheels? Now, at the end of your booking you may directly* see the specific costs of your trip. A bonus when you’re sharing your account with others! This is a frequently requested and long-awaited feature, which unfortunately took a lot more work than we expected. You bet we celebrated it with cake!


The detailed trip overview can be found under ‘trip history’ in the app as well as after logging in on our website. It contains the following information:

  • Total trip costs
  • Total reserved time
  • Number of kilometres driven

If applicable:


  • Reservation costs
  • Waiver of deductible
  • Remaining amount after prepayment(s)
  • Discounts (not: driving credit)
  • Settled advance payment(s)
  • Other amounts deducted

Please note: any applicable driving credit will be processed on your total invoice and will therefore not be reflected per individual booking. The costs in the overview include VAT, also for business accounts. If a settled prepayment exceeds the actual costs, the remaining amount is negative. You will see this credit on your next invoice.


View costs of previous trips

Would you like to view these details of your trip later? You can find all information regarding previous bookings (since 15 January 2024) in the app, left menu, under 'trip history'. Click on any specific trip to view the data.


Who can see what?

Are you registered as an 'additional driver' on someone else's account or, for example, on a business account? Then you will only see your own trips and any bookings made with an anonymous card. As the main driver, you see the details of all trips made on your account.


*There may be a maximum delay of 15 minutes, also depending on your internet speed at that time.

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